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To unlock the entire vision and image behind a creation without being limited by the physical world.

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Projects Arims

What are the Third Skin?

This proposal aims to introduce our virtual apparel to individuals who haven't purchased digital items before:

-to drive people (Customers) to accept digital fashion.

-To expand the opportunities for the fashion company and individual branding.

-to support the fashion design industry to become more sustainable.

My project's product will be divided into two parts: the zero-waste physical garment and virtual items like accessories or parts of the garment. The entire product will be sold together in a "buy one, get one free" concept. People can purchase the physical garment but can also receive a virtual product by downloading the corresponding app.

People can wear physical garments fashionably even without the virtual item, but owning digital fashion pieces is an opportunity.


Making Of






To drive people (customers) to accept digital fashion.

To expand the opportunities for the fashion band.

To support the fashion design industry to become more sustainable.



If you are interested in my project,
please stay in touch. Let's keep in contact.


Thanks for submitting!

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